Letting Go, Surrender, Kenosis-Intro
Surrender is the awakening of the heart, for the one doesn’t happen without the other. Cynthia Bourgeault
A collection of resources from desert mothers & fathers to the modern mystics
Surrender is the awakening of the heart, for the one doesn’t happen without the other. Cynthia Bourgeault
God asks only that you get out of God’s way and let God be God in you. Meister Eckhart
In the parables, Jesus never says the Kingdom is totally now or totally later. It’s always now-and-not-yet. Richard Rohr
In the stillness of quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair. Howard Thurman
We are not loved because we are so beautiful and good. We are beautiful and good because we are loved. Jürgen Moltmann