Hope is always most necessary when everything, spiritually, seems hopeless. Thomas Merton
A collection of resources from desert mothers & fathers to the modern mystics
Hope is always most necessary when everything, spiritually, seems hopeless. Thomas Merton
The most courageous interior thing a person will ever do is trust that their little soul could be in a unique relationship with God that reflects a facet of God’s glory that no one else will ever reflect in that way. Richard Rohr
The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool. William Shakespeare
Success is not a destination, but a journey. The more you grow, the more success will find you. John C. Maxwell
Desmond Tutu told me that he and I were mere light bulbs. We seem to be shining brightly for all to see, but we both know that if this light bulb was unscrewed from its source even for a moment, the brightness will immediately stop. Richard Rohr