Chronological List

A listing of mystics, saints and spiritual writers from the ancient to the modern

Chronological List
Photo by Sebastian Garcia / Unsplash

Cloud of Witnesses: Mystics, Saints & Guides

Are you connected to your luminary ancestors? How or how not? How present to you are these beings? Do you connect with the communion of saints? How can you make these connections more real? Can you hear the deathless voice of the saints?

What follows is a chronological list of the sources quoted in the topics posted on the website. Follow the links to learn more about any who stir your curiosity.

Irenaeus of Lyon 130-202

Clement of Alexandria 150-215

Origen 185-253

Gregory of Nyssa 335-394

Ambrose 339-397

Evagrius Ponticus 345-399

Augustine 354-430

John Cassian 360-435

Pseudo-Dionysius 400-500?

Gregory the Great 540-604

Columbanus 543-615

Maximus the Confessor 580-662

Isaac the Syrian 613-700

Symeon the New Theologian 949-1022

William of St-Thierry 1085-1148

Hugh of St Victor 1096-1141

Bernard of Clairvaux 1090-1153

Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179

Richard of St. Victor 1110-1173

Guigo II 1140-1193

Francis of Assisi 1181-1226

Mechtild of Magdeburg 1207-1282

Bonaventure 1221-1274

Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274

Meister Eckhart 1260-1328

Henry Suso 1295-1366

Richard Rolle 1300-1349

Johannes Tauler 1300-1361

Julian of Norwich 1343-1416

Catherine of Siena 1347-1380

Anonymous-Cloud of Unknowing 1375

Thomas à Kempis 1380-1471

Nicolas of Cusa 1401-1464

Ignatius of Loyola 1491-1556

Francisco de Osuna 1492-1540

Teresa of Avila 1515-1582

John of the Cross 1542-1591

Johann Arndt 1555-1621

Francis de Sales 1567-1622

Jakob Boehme 1575-1624

Brother Lawrence 1614-1691

Blaise Pascal 1623-1662

George Fox 1624-1691

Miguel de Molinos 1628-1696

Madame Guyon 1648-1717

Francois Fenelon 1651-1715

Jean-Peirre de Caussade 1675-1751

John Wesley 1703-1791

St. Nicodemus 1749-1809

Charles de Foucauld 1858-1916

Therese of Lisieux 1873-1897

Evelyn Underhill 1875-1941

Teilhard de Chardin 1881-1955

Howard Thurman 1899-1981

Bede Griffiths 1906-1993

R S Thomas 1913-2000

Thomas Merton 1915-1968

Raimon Panikkar 1918-2010

Thomas Keating 1923-2018

Ernesto Cardenal 1925-2020

Anthony de Mello 1931-1987

Bruno Barnhart 1931-2015 

Basil Pennington 1931-2005

Henri Nouwen 1932-1996

Bernard McGuinn 1937-

Gerald May 1940-2005

Matthew Fox 1940-

Richard Foster 1942-

Richard Rohr 1943-

James Finley 1943-

Barbara Holmes 1943-

Wayne Teasdale 1945-2004

Kathleen Singh 1946-2017

Cynthia Bourgeault 1947-

Ilia Delio 1955-

Brian McLaren 1956-

Martin Laird

Carl McColman

Phileena Heuertz

Sandra Maitri