Website Publishing Outline
Drafts on Ghost- In order of next publishing
Faith vs Works-2/20 ready
Forgiveness-2/27 ready
Image of God/Imago Dei-3/5 ready
Mysticism-3/12 ready
Mysticism Intro-3/13 (Link to Mysticism)
Grief-3/20 ready
Identity-3/27 (Need: Gregg‘s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, email
Prophetic Voice- 4/3 (Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
PsychoSpiritual Work/Purifying the Pond- (Needs: Gregg’s Reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, email)
Life at the Edge of Chaos (Finish Reflection, needs: email, tags, excerpt, journaling prompts, audio intro)
Christians are Formed in Community, (Needs Excerpt, journaling prompts, Audio, email) I merged content from Community post to this post. Intro also done.
Aging Well/Ripening-(Need: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, email.
God at Work in the World- (Need: Gregg’s Reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, email)
Honey in a Rock-(Need: Gregg’s reflection, email, audio)
*Justice-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
*Loneliness-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
*Pathways to God-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, Journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
*Patience-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
*Power of God/Power of Grace-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.
*Recollection-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, email.)
*Sabbath Rest- (Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, email.)
*Shadow work/Own your Shadow- (Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, email, audio.)INTRO?
*Simplicity-(Need: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, email, and audio)
*Soul Yearnings/Thirst for God-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, email, and audio)
*Spiritual Authority- (Needs: Gregg’s reflections, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email
Spiritual Direction quotes from Mark Ritchie-(amanda- post created on pages. Let me know if you want me to do anything else with this post.)
*Spiritual Longing- (Needs: Finish Gregg’s reflection, excerpt, journaling prompts, audio, email.)
*Spiritual Voices/Spiritual Friends-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
*Story-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, journaling prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
*Trials/Testing/Temptation-(Needs: Gregg’s reflection, prompts, excerpt, audio, and email.)
Trinity-(amanda-ordered, formatted, tagged, added scripture & a few quotes. Can come back when more content is added)
Trusting God-(amanda-ordered, formatted, and tagged, Needs more info)
Waiting on God-(amanda-ordered, formatted, tagged, added scripture, and quotes)
Published on GodsFaintPath
Practicing Presence/Prayers
Abundance vs Scarcity
Discerning God's Will & Voice
Liminal Space
Driven vs. Drawn
Being vs Doing
Peace of God
Divine Feminine Part 1
Divine Feminine part 2
Failing/Falling/into the Abyss Divine Indwelling/Immanence
River/Divine Flow
Contemplative Practice
Contemplative Life
Contemplative Fishing
Forest Bathing
Breath Prayer
Prayer of the Heart/Prayer of Quiet
Bearing Fruit/Gifts of the Spirit
Abiding/Resting in God/Sabbath
Wilderness/Creation/Nature & the Human Soul
Eyes to See
Eyes to See Intro
Lectio Intro
Does your Identity Limit Spiritual Growth
Suffering Intro
Death & Dying Intro 3/8
Death & Dying 3/9
Mirror/Face of God 3/16
Person of Peace 3/23
Fear-Done 3/30
False Self/True Self Intro 4/5
False Self/True Self 4/6
Wisdom Within 4/11
Divine Indwelling Intro 4/13
Dark Night of the Soul 4/17
Dark Night of the Soul Intro 4/19
Cloud of Unknowing 4/25
Discipleship 5/1
Discipleship Intro 5/2
Contemplative Practice: Audio/Visio/Eco Divina 5/9
Perfection 5/16
Shame & Guilt: 5/23
People Pleasing 5/30
Contemplative Practice: Welcoming Prayer 6/6
Gratitude/Generosity Intro 6/13
Freedom vs Obligation-6/20
Transformation/Divinization/Fire 6/26
Transformation Divinization Intro 6/27
Silence 7/3
Silence Intro 7/4
Stillness 7/18
Wise Fools 7/25
Spirituality of Journey vs Place 8/1
Consciousness Intro 8/8
Loving/Being Loved-8/14
Loving/Being Loved Intro 8/15
Vulnerability/Weakness 8/22
Kingdom of God/Now & Not Yet-8/29
Letting Go/ Surrender/Kenosis- 9/5
Scripture, Tradition, Experience-9/12
Descending Path of Jesus- 9/19
Beginner’s Mind- 9/26
Pruning- 10/3
Setting Intentions- 10/10
Teaching/Proclaiming/Witnessing- 10/17
Compassion & Mercy 10/24
Evil 10/31
Thin Places-11/7
Judgment/Dualistic Thinking- 11/14
Non-Dualistic Thinking / Nondual Consciousness 11/21
Union/Unity/Oneing/Theosis Intro 11/27
Union/Unity/Oneing/Theosis Intro 11/28
Humility/Ego 12/4
Humility/Ego Intro 12/5
Creating 12/11
Creating Intro 12/12
Intuition and Discernment 12/19
Image and Likeness 12/26
Rhythm of Life 1/2
Being Grounded 1/9
How Do We Measure Success 1/16
Who is Wise? 1/23 Note: this is the 100th post
Hope 2/13